Veterans' Services

Watertown Veterans' Services can assist Veterans and their families as they navigate services and support, up to and including the following topics:

  • Aid & Attendance and Housebound Benefits, Annuity Applications, Caregiver Support, Chapter 115, Disability Compensation, eBenefits, Education Benefits, Employment Support, Homeless Veteran Support, Military Awards, Medals, and Records (DD-214), MISSION Act, and Welcome Home Bonus
  • Burial Information, Gravestones, Survivor Benefits and Compensation
  • Soldiers' Homes, and Specially Adapted Housing
  • Veterans Administration Claim Appeals, Health Care Information, Home Loans, and Presumptive Conditions.
  • Veteran Centers, Veteran Bill of Rights, Veteran Definition, Veteran Employment, Veteran Housing Information, Veteran ID Cards, Veteran Property Tax Support, and Veterans' Legal Support, and Women Veteran Support.

Veterans can also contact their local Veterans’ Service Officer (VSO) if they need assistance with something that is not listed above. 

The Veterans Services Officer also serves as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator and liaison to the Watertown Commission on Disability. The Commission provides advocacy and education to the Town and its citizens regarding issues relating to persons with disabilities.