Report a Coyote Sighting
Please DO NOT call 911 or the police station to report seeing a coyote unless there is an emergency or immediate threat to humans. To report a coyote sighting please call 617-972-6446 and Press 6 for the Animal Control Officer.
Facts About the Eastern Coyote in Massachusetts
The Eastern coyote (Canis latrans var) weighs between 30 and 40 pounds. The color of the coat varies from a grizzled gray, a grayish tan, a reddish blonde to a charcoal black. They are often described as looking similar to a poorly fed German shepherd but coyotes usually carry their tails low to the ground whereas a German shepherd carries its tail high.
Habitat & Feeding
Eastern Coyotes are often found in areas where food is most plentiful. They are scavengers and will eat anything from rodents, trash/compost, pet food, and even small pets.
Tips from MassWildlife for Keeping Coyotes Away from Your House
- DO NOT feed or try to pet them
- Secure your garbage in barrels with tight fitting lids
- Keep your pets secure, particularly small pets that are a potential food source
- Walk dogs and cats on a leash
- Keep bird feeder areas clean or remove bird feeders entirely as they attract prey animals such as rats
- Feed your pets indoors
- Close off crawl spaces under porches and sheds which can serve as resting areas
- Don’t let them intimidate you and don’t hesitate to scare them off with loud noises, bright lights, throwing a stick, or spraying with a garden hose
- Educate your friends and neighbors on the steps they can take
Coyotes as a Threat
Coyotes are not considered a threat to humans because they are shy creatures. The taking of small pets does not qualify as a threat to humans.
Law Regarding Coyotes
The Massachusetts Environmental Police have the authority to respond and deal with certain situations involving coyotes. Their dispatch line can be reached 24/7 at 800-632-8075. Coyotes are protected by law and action on special cases is dictated by an Environmental Police Officer and/or a Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife biologist. The Watertown Animal Control Officer does not have any legal authority to trap and transport native wildlife, such as coyotes, unless they are debilitated. Wildlife that is trapped or stuck will be rescued and released on-site. Relocation is illegal. Healthy coyotes and foxes in urban environments are not a cause for concern. The City of Watertown, however, does advise residents to take pro-active measures to protect garbage/recycling bins, compost, dumpsters, and bird feeders from being accessed by coyotes. Bird feeders will attract coyotes!
Benefits of Coyotes
Coyotes help to keep the ecosystem in check. Because they prey on small animals, they keep the number of nuisance rodents, rabbits, and woodchucks down.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a coyote be relocated?
No. It is against state law to capture and move coyotes simply because of their presence. This law has been established for many years and is meant to protect both people and the animals.
Can a coyote be euthanized?
No. It is against the law to kill a coyote that is not suspected rabid or gravely injured.
How does one determine if a coyote is potentially rabid?
Death of a rabid animal occurs within 2 to 10 days after the onset of symptoms. The animal’s behavior will include, but is not limited to, convulsions, swaying or weakness, paralyzed limbs, rigid posture, disoriented appearance or a transfixed stare, drooling of saliva or frothing at the mouth, repeated yawning, extreme tense or alert behavior, awkward or uncoordinated movements, or hoarse vocalizations.
What will happen if one does feed or pet a coyote?
If one tries to feed or pet a coyote (or any wild animal) it will become habituated. When a coyote is habituated, it means that it has lost its fear of humans and will exhibit behaviors such as:
1) Does not run off when harassed,
2) Approaches pets on a leash, and/or
3) Approaches and follows people.
Additional Resources and Links
Living with Coyotes presentation