News & Announcements

graphics with illustrations of two word balloons, February 25 calendar page, words "Watertown Chats"

Watertown Chats

Have a question? An idea? A concern? Or looking for more information on something happening in Watertown? Then you should attend the next Watertown Chats on February 25, 2025 at 8:30am – 10am at the Four Seasons Café to chat with Tyler, your Community Engagement Specialist!

This month’s Chats will be held at the Four Seasons Café at 212 North Beacon Street. Watertown Chats are informal drop-in sessions for residents to connect directly with a member of the City, get answers to questions, and learn more about what is ahead in Watertown, no appointments needed! 

For more information about Watertown Chats and to keep up to date with the schedule, visit the Watetown Chats webpage! Tyler hopes to see you there!

Watertown City Seal, words "Join Councilor Feltner at her Annual Councilor Meeting on Monday, February 24, 2025 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. At the Parker Annex, 124 Watertown Street, 3rd floor IT Conference Training Room 3H, or Virtual on Zoom.

Councilor Feltner's Annual Councilor Community Meeting

Join Councilor Feltner at her Annual Councilor Meeting on Monday, February 24, 2025 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. At the Parker Annex, 124 Watertown Street, 3rd floor IT Conference Training Room 3H, or Virtual (via Zoom).

Conversation with District B Councilor Lisa Feltner, pursuant to City Charter sec. 2-10(c). Members of the public are invited to join in-person or via zoom, and questions may be emailed in advance to The accessible entrance to Parker Annex is in the rear of the building; follow signs to the elevator and for 3rd floor access.

Watertown City Seal, photo of City Hall, words "Make a difference! Join the Human Rights Commission"

Human Rights Commission

City Manager George J. Proakis is seeking residents to serve on the Human Rights Commission. Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application.

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) works to ensure that all persons enjoy equal opportunity to participate in local affairs, including but not limited to housing, employment, education, public accommodation, access to City services regardless of race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, citizenship, age, religion, disability, health status, marital or familial status, military or veteran status, socioeconomic status, ex-offender status, genetic and/or protected class status. The Commission promotes human rights in Watertown through outreach, dialogue, educational forums, the development of an Action Plan, serving as a resource to persons with concerns of discrimination within the City, recommending policies or resolutions for adoption by the City Council, City Manager or other City departments, boards, councils or commissions.

graphic of snow, Watertown City Seal

The Snow Emergency Ends at Noon

The City of Watertown will end the snow emergency and on-street parking ban, effective as of 12 pm, on Sunday February 9, 2025.

We recommend shoveling snow from sidewalks, using ice melt, and checking on your neighbors. Enforcement of the residential snow and ice removal ordinance is expected to begin on Monday February 10, 2025. Uncleared snow and ice from sidewalks can be submitted to our 311 Service Center.

Learn about enforcement of the residential snow and ice removal ordinance

The Winter Parking Ban is still in effect and will be strictly enforced. No vehicle may remain on any public way for more than one hour between the hours of 1AM and 6AM all days of the week.

graphic of snow, Watertown City Seal

Snow Emergency

The City of Watertown has declared a Snow Emergency starting at 8:00 PM on Saturday, February 8, 2025. The Snow Emergency will remain in effect until further notice. On-street parking is banned, and vehicles left on the street can be towed.

Please assist by clearing snow from fire hydrants and catch basins. Remember that you are required to shovel the sidewalk abutting your property within 24 hours after snow ends. We recommend shoveling early, using ice melt, and checking on your neighbors.

For more updates, such as where you can park your car for the duration of the snow emergency, visit the Snow & Winter Store Information Updates page.

snow graphic and Watertown City Seal


Due to the expected snow and icy conditions, the following City of Watertown facilities and activities will be closed on February 6, 2025:

  • Public Schools
  • The Library
  • The Senior Center
  •  All Recreation Programs

City Hall and Parker Annex will remain open.

There is no emergency parking ban, but we strongly encourage residents to park in their driveways if possible.

For your safety, please minimize travel during the storm and use caution due to anticipated icy conditions.

We also ask that you pre-treat sidewalks with Ice melt and check on your neighbors, especially those who may need assistance.

Visit the Snow page to keep up-to-date on this storm and future storms.

Stay safe and warm!

words "Safety Tips for You and Your Pets to Avoid Bird Flu"

Bird Flu in Watertown

Watertown has seen an increase in dead bird sightings. While the state has not yet confirmed the presence of bird flu in Watertown, they have said that bird flu is widespread in Massachusetts and is likely present even in communities where there has not been a confirmed positive. Read more.

City Seal, words "Fiscal Year 2026-2030 Capital Improvement Program"

Fiscal Year 2026-2030 Capital Improvement Program

words “How Do You Use the Library? Take the WFPL Patron Survey” and a photo of the Library.

Last Call: Take the Watertown Library Survey

The Watertown Free Public Library’s survey closes on January 31, 2025, and we want your input! Take the survey for its Strategic Plan before it closes and give your thoughts about services, programs, collections, the building and facilities, and what you would like the Library to consider for its future. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and can make a significant difference on the Library’s future!

You can also learn more about the survey and find FAQs on the Library’s website. Take the survey today before it closes on January 31, 2025! 

Watertown City Seal, words "Nicole Gardner's Annual Councilor Community Meeting, Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 7pm.

Councilor Nicole Gardner's Annual Councilor Community Meeting

District A City Councilor Nicole Gardner's Annual Councilor Community Meeting is Wednesday, January 29, 2025, from 7-8pm at the Coolidge School Apartments, 319 Arlington Street. The venue is accessible, with parking available and nearby access to a blue bike station and the bus.

words "City Council Newsletters", Watertown City Seal.

City Council Newsletter

The City Council has issued their first Newsletter which has information about the January 14, 2025, City Council Meeting and the January 21, 2025, Special City Council Meeting. Read the newsletter and bookmark the page for future issues.

words "Contruction Starting at the Lowell School Playground" and an illustration of the design.

Lowell School Playground Project Construction

The Lowell School Playground Project is beginning construction on Monday, January 27, 2025, and is anticipated to be completed late summer 2025. Once completed, the playground will have new, modern playground equipment, a resurfaced basketball court, and new walkways around the park! The playground, basketball court, and areas north of the baseball field will be closed to the public during construction; however, the baseball field will remain open during construction.
decorative background, words “A Birthday Showcase, Hatch Makerspace, at the Library, Saturday, January 25, 2 - 4 PM, Celebrating Ten Years”

The Hatch Makerspace 10 Year Celebration

The Watertown Free Public Library’s (WFPL) Hatch Makerspace is 10 Years Old!

The WFPL invites you to celebrate a decade of community creativity by attending the Hatch Makerspace Birthday Showcase at the Library, located at 123 Main Street (not at the Hatch), on Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 2 - 4 PM! You will be able to view, touch, and test out some of the many things you can create at Hatch, chat with experienced makers, and hear what the Library is planning for the future.

The celebration is open to all. No registration needed.

There will be optional walking tours from the Library to the Hatch during the event. Birthday cake and light refreshments will be served.

Learn more on the event webpage.

words "Did you miss the snow emergency announcement from this weekend? Sign up for Everbridge!" and an illustration of a mobile phone with an Everbridge graphic.

Sign up for Everbridge!

Watertown residents, if you missed the snow emergency announcement this past weekend, please sign up for Everbridge.

Please share this with your Watertown friends, family and neighbors!
background graphic of snow, Watertown City Seal, words "The City of Watertown has ended the snow emergency and on-street parking ban, effective immediately, Monday, January 20, 2025. The Winter Parking Ban is still in effect."

The Snow Emergency has Ended

The City of Watertown has ended the snow emergency and on-street parking ban, effective immediately, Monday, January 20, 2025.

We recommend shoveling snow from sidewalks, using ice melt, and checking on your neighbors, especially with freezing temperatures expected in the coming days. Enforcement of the residential snow and ice removal ordinance is expected to begin on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Any vehicles parked for free in the municipal parking lots must be removed by 7am, and by 6am from any school parking lots by tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

The Winter Parking Ban is still in effect and will be strictly enforced. No vehicle may remain on any public way for more than one hour between the hours of 1AM and 6AM all days of the week.

graphic of snow, Watertown City Seal, words “City of Watertown Snow Emergency in effect on Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 4:00 PM”

Snow Emergency

The City of Watertown has declared a Snow Emergency starting at 4:00 PM on Sunday, January 19, 2025, due to expected snowfall. The Snow Emergency will remain in effect until further notice. On-street parking is banned, and vehicles left on the street are subject to be towed. Please do not throw snow into the roadway, as it’s a safety hazard and violates City rules. 

Please assist by clearing snow from fire hydrants, catch basins, and the sidewalk in front of your property. We recommend shoveling early, using ice melt, and checking on your neighbors, especially with freezing temperatures expected.

For more updates, such as where you can park your car for the duration of the snow emergency, visit the Snow page.
American flags in upper left and bottom right of the graphic, words January 20, 2025. Closed on MLK Day."

MLK Day Closure and Trash & Recycling Information

Watertown City Hall, Parker Annex, Library, Department of Public Works office and Senior Center are closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday.

Please be aware that there is a one delay for trash and recycling pickup for the week due to the holiday. Pickup for the week will be Tuesday, January 21 through Saturday, January 25, 2025.

colorful banner with words "Watertown Porchfest 2025", words "Restaurants and Businesses Invited to Join Watertown Porchfest After-Hours"

Watertown Porchfest After-Hours

Watertown Porchfest will return to porches, lawns, and driveways on Saturday, May 17, 2025, with extended hours from 12-6pm! The Porchfest team invites Watertown businesses to join the fun by expanding the celebration even further for “Porchfest After-Hours” from 6-9pm by hosting live music, promoting the event at their location, or supporting Porchfest in their own way. 

In its inaugural year, Watertown residents or organizations had over 70 locations and hosted nearly 150 performance groups, bringing in an estimated audience of 1500 people. Registration for venues (“porches”) and performers will open in February but interested restaurants and other businesses are encouraged to start reaching out about Porchfest After-Hours.” The Porchfest team is available to assist with After-Hours program development can promote your After-Hours program. 

Contact Watertown Porchfest at and visit for more information about Porchfest.
words "Water Meter Project Important Message" and an illustration of a water meter.

Water Meter Project

As part of the city-wide water meter changeout project, if your water meter has not yet been updated, please call Baystate Winsupply immediately at 866-983-8080 to schedule an appointment. This is mandatory and there is no charge for a standard installation.

Thank you for your cooperation with this very important project for the City of Watertown.

graphics with illustrations of two word balloons, January 21 calendar page, words "Watertown Chats"

Watertown Chats

The first Watertown Chats of 2025 will be hosted at the Watertown Free Public Library at 123 Main Street on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, from 2:30pm-4pm. This Watertown Chats will be held in the Lucia Mastrangelo Room on the 2nd Floor, where you will find Watertown’s Community Engagement Specialist, Tyler Cote, to ask questions, raise concerns, or chat about anything Watertown. This is also a great opportunity to visit Tyler and share any thoughts or feelings you might have about the Library’s strategic plan!

No appointments are needed, and all are encouraged to stop by and chat with Tyler later this month.

Learn more. We hope to see you there!

words “How Do You Use the Library? Take the WFPL Patron Survey” and a photo of the Library.

Take the Library Survey

The Watertown Free Public Library is seeking community input to guide their 2026-28 Strategic Plan. All community members are invited to participate in the Library's 2025 patron survey! Included in the survey are questions rating services, programs, and collections, feedback on the building and facilities, and what you would like the Library to consider for its future. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and can make a significant difference on the Library’s future!

You can also learn more about the survey and find FAQs on the Library’s website. Take the survey today before it closes on January 31, 2025!

picture of President Jimmy Carter in front of a flag and bookcase, words "National Day of Mourning to honor former President Jimmy Carter's death, Jimmy Carter, 1924-2024"

Open on the National Day of Mourning

Watertown City Hall, Parker Annex, Library, Senior Center, and Department of Public Works office are open Thursday, January 9, 2025, on this National Day of Mourning to honor former President Jimmy Carter's death.

Also open are State Offices and Courts, other Municipal Offices, Public Schools, Libraries, Banks, the MBTA, the Registry of Motor Vehicles, and stores.

Federal offices and Federal Courts, the Stock Market, and Post offices are closed today.

We suggest you call to confirm if the location you are going to is open or closed today before venturing out.

words "Fact Check", Facebook and Instagram icons, Watertown City Seal.

Fact Check!

Did you read about something on social media about the City of Watertown and want to know if it is or is not true?

Please fact check the information before sharing it with others!

Look for the information here on the City's website, call 311 (or 617-715-8660), or send us an email at
words "City Council Public Hearing to Discuss the Winter Parking Ban" photo of a red car in the snow and covered with snow.

Special City Council Meeting

A Special City Council Meeting to discuss the Winter Parking Ban has been scheduled for January 21, 2025 at 6pm. This is a Public Hearing that has been scheduled following the City Council receiving a petition asking for the Winter Parking Ban be lifted. The Hearing will be held in the City Council Chamber in Watertown City Hall at 149 Main Street.

The Hearing's agenda will be posted soon. Please stay up-to-date at to find the agenda, virtual link, and more once it is posted.

Words "City of Watertown winter 2024 newsletter. Read the City of Watertown’s Winter 2024 Newsletter! Interpretive services with 311, a new Library survey, Watertown’s inaugural Civics Academy, and much more! City of Watertown, Massachusetts.”

Read the City's Winter 2024 Newsletter

In the newsletter you will find information about 311’s interpretive services, a new Watertown Free Public Library survey that all are encouraged to take, information about Watertown’s inaugural Civics Academy, and much more!

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