Community Development & Planning


Key Contacts

The Department of Community Development & Planning (DCDP) is responsible for planning for and implementing the City’s long-range goals for the built environment and the community. In addition to long range planning, Department Staff oversee current planning efforts, including land use and building permits, zoning enforcement, conservation, and historic preservation permits.

The Department also includes the operation and maintenance of the Commanders Mansion, a historic event venue, support for the Community Preservation Committee, and the Wellness Team.

Additionally, The Department Staff also serves as a representative for the city on multiple local and regional efforts including the Watertown Transportation Management Association (WTMA), Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Advisory Board, the Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors, the Mystic River Watershed Municipal Subcommittee, the regional HOME Consortium, and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and other efforts as necessary. In addition, the Director serves as a member of the School Building Committee which is focused on renovations/rebuilding of the elementary schools and high school.


a hand drawing holding a pencil designing a landscapePlanning & Zoning

Current Planning

photo of a mapCommunity Design

Economic Development
Open Space
Arts & Culture

photo of building plans, a hard hat, and painting toolsInspectional Services

Building Permits


leaf iconSustainability

Conservation Commission
Energy Advocate

corn icon

Community Wellness

Framers' Market
Live Well Watertown
Watertown Cares
clipboard with checkmarks and lines icon

Zoning and Code Enforcement

Zoning Code Enforcement
General Code Enforcement

decorative flags icon

Events Team

Commanders Mansion
Faire on the Square
City Events
houses with a road icon

Community Preservation Act (CPA)

Community Preservation Committee