Moxley Park Court Renovation Project

Project Overview
Project StatusConstruction Completed
Park Featuresbaseball field, basketball court, batting cage, football/soccer field, tennis courts, bathrooms, playground and tot lot
City DepartmentsDepartment of Community Development and Planning (DCDP)
Department of Public Works (DPW)
Recreation Department 
Design Team 

CDM Smith

Construction Contractor

Quirk Construction, Corp.


ApprovalsWinter 2023
ConstructionSpring - Summer 2023

About the Moxley Park Court Renovation Project 

Moxley Park is multi-use park located across the street from Watertown Middle School. It is situated on a 5.8-acre lot of land and includes various amenities including a baseball field, basketball court, batting cage, football/soccer field, tennis courts, bathrooms, playground and tot lot. The majority of the park is currently being temporarily transitioned into a modular high school which will be utilized during the High School Renovation Project.

The goal of this project was to improve the existing court area of the park. The project included the demolition, clearing, removal and disposal of the existing court base and equipment as well as the construction of a prefabricated hockey rink, basketball court, tennis court, retaining wall with vegetative screening, a new lighting system with improved electrical service connection and controls, as well as gates and fencing improvements.

Proposed Court & Entrance Improvements

a file #2

Project Presentation PDFs

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